Colo-Colo fans clash with police and set fire to seats during Chilean Super Cup final

Colo-Colo fans clashed with riot police and set fire to seats inside the National Stadium in Santiago during the Chilean Super Cup final against Huachipato on Sunday.

The start of the second-half was delayed for 12 minutes after some Colo-Colo fans clashed with riot police who tried to remove a banner referencing Sebastian Pinera, the former Chilean President who died in a helicopter crash.

The clashes continued during the second-half with broken seats and other objects thrown from the Colo-Colo end.

The violence forced the referee to halt the game in the 78th minute, with Colo-Colo 2-0 up.

A short time later the game was called off.

Colo-Colo fans then set fire to seats in their end before leaving the ground.

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